Every Artist Needs A Studio Space


In January, I finally realized that I needed a space of my own.  I wanted a studio space where I could keep my supplies out, ready for the next creation or I could continue working where I left off.  Most of my art supplies had been in boxes in various closets throughout the house.  My easel kept floating from room to room, waiting for a permanent spot.

This space is in the corner of my bedroom.  It costs me only the extra space, no rent money.  It was easy to set up since I already had most of the things you see here. The only money I spent was about $10.  I went to Dollar Tree to purchase various metal containers for my brushes, markers, and scissors.  There are also a couple plastic containers for printmaking paints, tape, drawing pencils, and vine charcoal sticks. Dollar Tree also sells simple 8″x10″ picture frames.  I bought two.

If you are looking for a table, storage shelves, frames or containers, you can find them at thrift stores, garage sales, and Craigslist.  In our area, garage sales have the lowest prices and sometimes you can even ask to pay less than the for-sale price.

If you are on a very tight budget, the best thing to do is to search your own home for things you already own that will work for the time being.  For example, if you need containers for brushes you can use old cans.  Pineapple juice cans work well for large brushes and various sizes of soup cans can work well for smaller brushes and pencils. That way you can save your money for art supplies!

My easel was more of an investment that I purchased about 10 years ago. It is something that I love to use.  Most of my paintings I do standing up, so an easel was a good choice for me.  You can find good easels at dickblick.com.  They have many, many art supplies as well and the prices are very competitive (lower than Walmart in some cases and definitely more options).

A good light source is also important.  I found an old swing-arm lamp in our garage that still worked.  The swing-arm lamp is nice because it attaches right to my table and can move around easily to give me light where I need it.

When you are just getting started, an inexpensive (almost free) studio space might be just what you need.  Take time to consider how you can do this in your own home.  I am so excited to finally have my own art space!

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